Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Super-fast running shoes (A little story)

This morning, on the walk through my downtown Anchorage neighborhood to work, I was suddenly greeted by a small boy, about four years old. He came out of nowhere!

Through the chain-link fence he said, "Hello! What's your name?" I told him and then he propped his shoe up on his hand and told me to take a look at his "super-fast running shoes." They were the type that had odd-shaped soles with ridges through them to make them more aerodynamic or something. The kind he had reason to be proud of.

I was reminded of going to the mall with my dad when I was little to get him some new running shoes. A memory I forgot existed. It would take him forever to pick out the very best shoe, an important chore for a guy who grew up in the 50s and 60s when PF Flyers were guaranteed to make kids run their fastest and jump their highest. I pictured the boy and his dad at the shoe store weighing their options.

"But it rained this morning..." The boy told me.

"Does the rain make it more slippery?" I asked.

"No," the boy answered.

"Nice to meet you," I smiled.

"See ya!" He said.

Then I finished walking to work.



Push Play said...

Very loose connection, perhaps none at all, but I thought of you when I saw it; a toddler slip-on collection called Robeez

Rosey said...

I love the link. Thanks Neil!